The Edge of Life: Surviving Suicidal Ideation

Creative Visions Foundation ( is our non-profit fiscal sponsor for this project. Malibu, California

Creative Visions empowers creative activists to raise awareness of critical issues and drive positive change through impact storytelling – one of the most powerful tools we have for creating change in the world.

This documentary begins by exploring the history of suicide globally on a timeline. This will be told in a tone for educational purposes and with the air that, as we intellectualize challenging issues, we can collectively resolve them.

Fact: One thing being made clear is that as we have garnered new technologies and modern conveniences, we collectively have become more critical, judgmental, and negative which is continuing to grow. People feel more disconnected than ever, fearful, depressed, lonely, and a loss of self-love and self- purpose.

Episode 3: History of Suicide by Country

Ajax the Great, Killed himself at the Trojan War 12th century BC

Suicide in our history from around the world has been curated in myth and story, as well as some well-documented events. Our preliminary research indicates that suicide, for the most part, was from fear of persecution, enslaved people, military, or prisoners, and where they might not survive specific life experiences.

When did our generation‘s “unbearable“ become loneliness (loss of tribe), debt, social pressures, loss of self, addictions, numbness, bullying, political divide, and psychological abuse? We have more finances and medications going towards mental health than in the history of the world, but we are worse. Why?

Episode 4 - The Happiest and least suicidal places in the world and why, the legality of suicide

Episode 5: Interview mass shooters and their families. Were these individuals suicidal before they were homicidal? We think, Yes.

There is one burning question on our minds that nobody has yet to discuss. For the last two years in America, we have averaged two mass shootings a day - that is 730 a year. Mass shootings are categorized by four people or more being affected by a violent act.

Suicide by a cop is growing. We assume that these shooters are prepared to die that day, so they are suicidal. How long have they been suicidal, and when did they turn homicidal? We want to interview those in prison and their families. We have qualified trauma therapists who will break down their answers. We believe we can develop mental health programs and warning systems with more intellect.

Episode 6: Programs, 988, a Government Programs

Vibrant Emotional Health is the Administrator of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and received grants of around 80 million to perform but has not received the best results. In 2022, Biden allotted another 180m to fund suicide prevention programs. SAMHSA announced a supplemental $825 million in March. HHS announced $1.5 billion in the American Rescue Plan.

There is a lot of money, but have you heard of many of these programs? Some big salaries are getting paid, and few Americans are getting help. Whatever the reason, we need to look at it and ensure accountability. We are not sure where this part of the story will land us and feel there might be some unearthed exciting commentary that will unfold.

Some on social media say don’t call 988. People have said that many do not get responses back (including our EP, Cavalier), and the volunteers are exhausted, are under paid, quit regularly, and are not trained correctly on how to help those who are suicidal.

A 2023 study that questioned 5,000 users who used the 988 hotline in a survey found that only a quarter of users would likely use the service again if they were in crisis