At Love and Media, we believe in introducing your brand with a purpose that resonates with our content to help support humanity.

Content with a purpose and moral values.

Empowering Creations

From The Edge of Life: Surviving Suicidal Ideation Documentary or Docu-Series.

Creative Visions Foundation ( has signed the project as our fiscal non-profit sponsor on 7/2024.

Our people are sick. Beyond the well-publicized impact of COVID-19, there is a lesser-known pandemic affecting billions worldwide: suicide and suicidality. From the Edge of Life, Surviving Suicidal Ideation is a documentary that will unpack intellectually the history of suicide globally and bring levity to the subject so we can help our fellow tribe.

From the Edge of Life is a compelling documentary that delves into the complex history of suicide and suicidality, offering an intellectual perspective on how to address this pressing healthcare crisis. Through thought-provoking interviews with historians, therapists, celebrities, educators, the US surgeon general, and military personnel, the film aims to inspire and provide hope to our global community by exploring ways to heal and address this critical issue in our society, ultimately working towards saving lives.

  • It’s the second cause of death for those ages 25-34

  • We average two mass shootings a day from those who are suicidal in USA.

  • We lose 700,000 persons worldwide every year.

  • The rate in 2022 was the highest since 1941, the Great Depression.

  • In 2021 - 48,183 people died by suicide in the US - that is one death every 11 minutes or 132 a day. 2.3m adults seriously considered suicide, 3.5m adults made a plan, 1.7m attempted.

  • 45% who die by suicide consult a primary care physician within one month of death without declaring their suicidal desires and ideation.

  • The Highest Professions are American Farmers, Miners, Doctors/Nurses, Vets, Lawyers, day laborers, and Media Personalities

Sizzle Available

Deck Available

Budget Available

Thomas Fine and The Mystery School Franchise - Books/Feature Films

THOMAS FINE & THE MYSTERY SCHOOL—This is a five-book and feature film series in development. Gina co-authored this book with Jeanette DePatie. Book 1 is in editing (900 pages plus), and a treatment for the feature film is being developed.

Book 1: The First Revelation: Life Solidarity and the Wing Makers

Book 2: The Second Confirmation: Save Africa! Save the World!

Book 3: The Third Warning: Protect and be Served!

Book 4: The Fourth Dimension: The Time Capsule and the Planet Named Faithfully

Book 5: The Fifth Explosion: Blood and Water

How I Became Santa Claus - Book Complete (Film in the works)

Dive into the beautifully crafted world of writer and illustrator Gina Cavalier and be captivated by 51 stunning hand-drawn illustrations accompanied by a heartwarming holiday story.

“Gina Cavalier’s – How I Became Santa Claus” Combines Beautifully Hand-drawn Art and a captivating narrative to form a unique and meaningful Holiday Story that’s sure to become a Favorite. Inspired by three enchanting pieces she discovered in a Park City, Utah thrift store (a birdhouse general store, whimsical snowman, and old Santa), Cavalier put years of film and television writing and illustrating experience to work to form a visual and reading experience that all ages can enjoy. It is a story that not only accompanies striking artwork but tells of respecting fellow man, who he is, where he comes from, and the importance of withholding judgment unless having walked in his shoes.

 Follow one little boy with a big destiny…to become the next Santa Claus. In Gina Cavalier’s premiere book, readers will journey with Nick, an eight-year-old boy, as he faces magical creatures, a formative foe, and life-changing decisions that will determine his fate and the future of Santa Claus. Told through fifty-one hand-drawn illustrations, “Gina Cavalier’s How I Became Santa Claus” is a story of hope, dreams, magic, and beauty.

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Uncover the essence of who we are, our journey, and the deep-rooted inspirations that fuel our narrative. Embrace the power of storytelling to leave a lasting impact.